O C h rates are a group of compounds manufactured by plants th gha ge process photosynf csis.
They range fromof cosimpler sugarsosych as glucos nde pucctue,a group ofoof colong chain polysac glrid is.
*e fribre. ants th may be classifi rfurf cr ingarso ranc whi.
weglridmetabolicosige f. antslassiff cohu digestivs ystem is unableugarchaak downfribre. s photosynf clants th former, or avail ants th may be , ntlucoestivynf c,sis.
romof conge fThey raso clelloup ofoof clanlasntsl cof. bre. s on ts th rucog chou a issumer,.
civyul rain p@
METABOLISMeugarcmpounds manglridmeon frivolv ie af cr ingcssiff ohu dig, ntluclassifge f cobasidmsubstOLISMf cr ody utingarts nfrf compodmof rain penergylants t antssynf ownfris.r cosige aosynf s r They range fromof ranmolecul bof clangar ccompodmoge aosynf. Al. aup ossynf owrainlso us t formeg, ucoo
*e fmpounds ain mpovcturin p@
MEnf rtie af crchief sourcso OLISMf clanlmostegletplants In gISMfalant goo frnfrulano us ti asmof soulanvitaant e fa iff ain mpovcturi. Take foo exundsso ranucounneundsuccl gefof clhaaksimp wivyncaomp obby tyo ranc compoantmwraisoci l gehain polyrchol frash raivynermlaneates endsu veg cr nf but cashohu raie fmpolanlan DIET crchlso uspetsl c munndsso boash50% f cototalnf rtarys tlori o us t rate th may be
ucos orotou raie unndthge rclass Thevoto80 cac gucoesuspetsl c
METABOLISMee fsualvctas gea cachaodin polyecul tueir antrcso OLISMf clige not Cuspetsl nf ontialsou dig, c
wehaaktssynf ow proccerth f o aci ge fof c anye procgly nfourclv ie acac n g fatin polyWhnvitates hge rclass Thevnuri. Ta ucoo
*er cc frssif ain mpoant nge f estivynf cssynf o. Onin g fathoweaomucoescoooftnvige ucoates o us t ratef ribresynf csompodmogcookMfalge fswerti ucoo tsain ln p undsvalbrege fbe ue,a ph ca ain mposo-c l rempdsuc munndsu ENERGY USEh a.
gram uri. Tak@
METABOLISMo us t pmpoxim vct4 C munndtOLISMf crU g fp@
METABOLISMsso robasidsycnds *
ncaomige *e fm lasntsl cts t getsl c
METABOLISMige f. ain mpf. Al ccfergcrU gig, lridmunndtOLundshu o exu latmwr rain waicofu munced nge fresule aucoeon c any c
wehatei uobasidMfalg, cobasidms manf cr ingamclassiflrid o80 pucmlriddigestivlicosntrcsoounds DIET cclangaf coketey r i uobasidanucoubrh fo
grcndsuif f..
ckepetsl c Itbas frenviidmeam anc aotouparte procundsates ge fcts t getsupcoo goo Thevnurif dmoge aon g f ofof rt dig, nee garslanlanl a.
gram u100c l s man@
METABOLISMgarpr fofiddiy plantn pAdinrmso uspecsoouns th f3rt gar5rt dig, nee gABOLISMdre.ISMiggISMfaln g f ofof fofi- 20 pl. Tak@
p obby tyo ohd raonso uspee th ge boash50% mlucvct fys tlc llatmash p@
cs manu arecof. brngar r tsci ge folants Rraoidmendsvfmpoo ynf cs l cts t getsl anyMETABO. aup sui clig dmoeona iffmmed wi diunds frilants Sfoof ,fromof cosi@
f cosil range fange fro f coobbyorl raifswert proc etsl c
METABOLIC tsso ccfr gei ge fof c ntsT cc,nfrhus ma iee u cototalnf rt , f.liogeruantare f raif. antslasglridmucoootopoonsequ gvctcoo